LMR Health
LMR Health provides a complete line of Health Assessment, Health Management and Incentive Programs that are targeted to each individual's risks and are designed to reduce your organizations medical costs. The LMR Health Management Systems includes the following components:
Personal Health Assesssments (On-line or Mailed)
Telephonic Counseling
Individual Risk Management Activities (Self-Care Modules)
Biometric Screenings
Preventive Health Screenings Verification
Tobacco Attestation Verification
Lifestyle Medical Record (LMR) Health Management System
Gift Card Incentive Programs
All data components are integrated into the LMR Health Management System, which enables employers and health care organizations the ability to form a continuum of knowledge regarding a member population. This knowledge (data) provides the basis for optimal design and implementation of comprehensive wellness programs, outcome
measurements, tracking and reporting.
All of our products can be completely customized and tailored to fit the needs of your organization.